Saturday, January 23, 2010

What a Morning at Waves!

In support of our new cafe's "grand opening" (I only mock it because this is the second grand opening), some of our musicians from the school are playing, so we decided to brave the thickly falling snow to come early to stake out some good chairs. Because we were too early for the free drinks (not to mention taking up prime space with our laptops) we decided to at least buy drinks. As I paid for mine, the cashier handed me a voucher, "free rose at the Springborough florist". So, I paid $5 for a drink, some wonderful fresh biscotti, and a fresh red rose. It's amazing how a blooming flower in the midst of a winter storm is so beautiful, so hopeful. And the live music is lovely. A wonderful place to catch up on some reading for class...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

On the meanings of words...

Today as I was clearing my table in the cafeteria, I got to overhear a rather interesting conversation. It went something like this:
Guy 1: "I'd love to have a nightgown."
(snickers erupt from the table of guys he's sitting with)
Guy 1: "What?! They're classy! "
After several minutes of trying to defend his seemingly effeminate choice of pajamas, the other guys realized that when Guy 1 said "nightgown" what he meant was "bathrobe" (or dressing gown, or house coat, or whatever they say where you're from). Silly as it may seem, this got me thinking about the meaning of words, the significance a certain utterance carries and the power it has to create specific images and impressions in our minds. While to most of us, the word "nightgown" produces the image of a frilly, victorian sleeping frock, clearly this fellow saw rather different picture. The words we choose to use are perhaps more important than we may think them to be.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Looking forward to LYC!

As we're preparing and counting down the days, the students, faculty and staff are joining together to fast and pray for Legacy Youth Conference 2010. Personally, I'm involved with a great subteam responsible for contacting youth pastors and churches across the country and promoting the conference in general. We've still got a couple more mailings, but our job is almost finished, and we're excited to see how the Lord will work through our efforts!  Next Monday, January 11th we will have our first day of fasting. Please pray with us:

•God would speak to delegates, leaders and students calling them to repentance and surrender.
•Those planning the conference would be full of the Holy Spirit and sensitive to His guidance as they plan and prepare for LYC.
•God would be working in the lives and hearts of delegates to prepare them for what He has to say to them and that he would make a way for them to attend.
•The speaker Ryan Graham would be protected and directed as he prepares to deliver the Word
•During the LYC weekend there will be wonderful weather and spectacular, yet safe activities.

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. "- Ephesians 3:20-21

Friday, January 8, 2010

Home, sweet, Res.

The main vibe I've heard most from people returning to residence is, "Man, it's good to be back". Granted, there are some who would have liked a longer break, or who are very sad to leave their families. But most of us were itching to get back to school. Everyone knows the old adage, "home is where the heart is"; when you leave part of your heart with your family and part of it at school, it's just as refreshing to get back to school as it is to be "home". Being in residence without everyone being back just feels lonely, and each time someone else arrives, it's like Christmas morning all over again. I can't wait until everyone comes back! Admittedly, I was excited to hear that classes began on Tuesday rather than on Wednesday...sitting around isn't what I came here to do. And now that I've unpacked and gotten all settled, I'm excited to get back into the full swing of things.
All these musings to say, it's good to be back (and would be even more excited were it as green and warm as it was when this picture was taken).