Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The anticipation for the upcoming open house is building around campus. We're thrilled at the chance to have so many students around on a day when we actually have classes/chapel, so they can get a more accurate picture of what a day in the life of an Ambrose student looks like. There's also a lot of tension because it's that time of the year again: midterms and papers are once again looming their monstrous heads over the students. It hardly requires keen skills of observation to see that everyone is a bit flustered right now. Many of us wonder why we feel so stressed so early in the year. Shouldn't we wait until finals week at least? But as a good friend of mine observed yesterday, it's precisely because we have an upcoming break that we're all putting such high pressure on ourselves. If we can just make it through to Saturday, then we've got time to relax and catch up on down time over reading week (or, to research our upcoming projects and do all the rest of the semester's readings). Having enthusiastic, young students around will help remind us of what we came to Ambrose for, and hopefully inspire us as we trudge on through the week.

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