Sunday, February 21, 2010

Well, that's a new one...

Because I'm still new in Seattle, I'm often meeting new people. Today, I was talking to an older man who had sat in front of me at church. After a long and somewhat awkward conversation, his wife joined him. "You're one of the university kids?" I replied in the affirmative. "Where at, and what are you studying?" As I usually do with Americans, I explained that I went to Ambrose University College in Calgary, Alberta and was studying English Literature. With a disgusted look, the woman said "that's boring" and turned her back to me, effectively ending the conversation. I ended up talking to her husband for a bit longer, and then thankfully, the service started. 

Now I've gotten a wide range of responses to my comment "I'm studying English", but never one quite like this. Typically when people totally disapprove of my major, they sit and lecture me about it. How I'll never get a job that pays anything, how it's a complete waste of my time, how I'm just a nerd, how boys don't like girls that think, etc. At the very least, this woman was brief. Her summary of "your major is boring, therefore, you are as well" is actually mildly amusing. It'll be nice to get back to school to be around people who love English again. 

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